Learn About Different Cultures
The Cedar Riverside neighborhood is home to thousands of immigrants and refugees spanning 3 continents. In a conversation with an immigrant, you might find out about life in a refugee camp in Kenya, what plants are grown in the hills of Laos, or how people organized literacy campaigns during the most politically oppressive years in El Salvador.
Learn More About Your Neighbors
Although the immigrants and refugees coming to Minneapolis are from dramatically different places and cultures, they still share many things in common with native born Minnesotans: they want to feel safe in their neighborhoods; they want their children to have good educations and opportunities; they want to understand and be understood by those living in their community.
Join The Fight To Promote Literacy
885 million adults are illiterate in the world today. That’s about 1 in 4 adults. Literate adults have many advantages. They can read the job application they pick up; they can help their children with their homework; they can read the pill bottles they get from the doctor. Literate adults are better equipped to take care of themselves and their families.